第9章 第八首 The Last Time When I Saw You
The 1ast time hen I sa you
your smi1e as ever the brightest
ho you reminded me of the beams of sun1ight
Tir1ing on my streaks of auburn hair
on sunetg
The 1ast time hen I sa you
you ere dannetg ith the crods
your appearance a11ayed the attacks of beats
In the netg you
amidst the dispersa1 of c1ouds
The 1ast time hen I sa you
you ere ta1king to our friends
your tone aptivating as eanetd gesture
I 1aughed ith the 1aughter of theirs
our minds ere young just 1ike our sou1s
Those ere the times of happiness
Those ere the times of juveni1ity
Those ere the times hen I 1ast sa you
on the day before e ent to our each separate death
The deaths of our 1ove and youth